Central Blackpool Housing Plans

Central Blackpool Housing Plans

With plans underway for the development of mixed-use leisure facilities at Central Car Park, new central Blackpool housing plans have been revealed. The area around Central Drive (pictured above) is well known for being dilapidated and now the Council executive is to consider a plan for the next steps towards major housing regeneration.

Homes England has proposed a grant funding agreement which will enable the release of £90m. The money, awarded in March 2024, is for housing regeneration in the inner areas of Blackpool.

Central Blackpool Housing Plans

The executive report outlines an area of regeneration to the South of the town centre. It lies broadly between Chapel Street and Rigby Road, and the Promenade and Central Drive. These have been identified as the initial areas of focus for detailed scheme development, community engagement and property acquisitions in preparation for future development.

Initial area of intervention for housing regeneration plans
Initial area of intervention for housing regeneration plans. Map: Google

The report also acknowledges that although housing regeneration could commence in almost any part of the inner area of Blackpool, the initial focus will be within the central intervention area.

The report suggests that Blackpool Housing Company (BHC) should be the delivery partner for this housing regeneration work being the Council’s wholly owned housing regeneration organisation.

Council officers will initially:

  • undertake detailed masterplanning;
  • prepare for and commence a programme of community engagement and consultation outlining the extent of the proposed work including details of a proposed first phase;
  • update proposals for consideration and approval by the council prior to lodging one or more planning applications

Creating Sustainable Neighbourhoods

The report sets out key activity that will take place over the next three years. Plus the longer term principles that will achieve transformational housing regeneration in the inner parts of Blackpool. This will provide residents with good quality modern homes in desirable neighbourhoods.

The long-term ambition is to create new, high quality and sustainable neighbourhoods within the inner area. To provide a range of housing types and tenure and meet local need.

The report also suggests that further master-planning and scheme preparation in the South Shore and Claremont areas is undertaken in anticipation of further capital funding.

Housing-Led Regeneration

Housing-led regeneration across the whole of Blackpool’s inner area is the long-term ambition. This first phase of regeneration is seen as the starting point for transformational change.

The aim is to provide homes that are modern, comfortable and desirable, to meet the needs of local people in Blackpool. Both those who live here now and also those that may want to move here in the future.

This huge scale investment will bring enormous benefits. Economic benefits include increased job creation; environmental benefits such as energy efficient housing and new public open spaces. Most importantly, social benefits such as housing that is suitable for the 21st Century.

It will provide a better mix of housing, new affordable housing and better health outcomes. A reduction in homelessness and the need for temporary accommodation. Plus a reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour through well designed, built and managed public and private spaces.

Public Consultation

This is the beginning of a 15-20 year project, delivered with input from the residents of Blackpool. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enable systematic and transformational change. Both in the fabric of Blackpool and most importantly in the quality and mix of housing in this part of the inner area.

A first round of public consultation is expected to be undertaken later this year. Initial consultation will focus on information sharing with the community, to outline the rationale for regeneration and area of focus. It will seek comments and feedback on the broad vision for regeneration and the key principles which will frame the development of detailed proposals and ultimately shape the ongoing regeneration in this area over the years to come.

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