Throughout the Covid pandemic we've walked through the streets to bring you a series of videos showing 12 months in Blackpool town centre.

12 Months in Blackpool Town Centre

Throughout the Covid pandemic we’ve walked through the streets to bring you a series of videos showing 12 months in Blackpool town centre.

It’s a snapshot of a changing town, changing seasons, and the effects of a global pandemic.

12 Months in Blackpool Town Centre

On Monday 15 June 2020, non-essential shops reopened after the first Covid lockdown. We went to take a look in the town centre and were pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t like a madhouse! At 11am on Weds 17 June the amount of people around felt just right. Enough people to feel like you weren’t on your own, but far from crowded.

Join us for a walk from St John’s Square along Church Street to the seafront, doubling back along Bank Hey Street for a look at The Blackpool Tower and the new Sands Venue. Back along Bank Hey Street to Victoria Street to end this walk at the back of The Grand Theatre.

This is the first of our Blackpool town centre videos. And what a rollercoaster 12 months it’s been!

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Blackpool in Tier 3

You’ve got to chase the sunshine in October! So while it was bright we went to see What Blackpool’s like in Tier three. Quiet is the answer…

Come with us for a walk around the town centre to see what the place is like under this level of coronavirus restrictions. Filmed on Tuesday 20 October 2020, the first week of Tier Three being in place.

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12 Months in Blackpool Town Centre – Lockdown 2 Begins…

Join us for a look around Blackpool Town Centre, 1 week into Lockdown.

It’s exactly a week today since lockdown 2 began so we’ve been for a walk through town to see what’s happening and record what it looks like in these strange times. Filmed on Thursday 12 November 2020.

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Blackpool at Christmas in a Pandemic

This time you can join us for a walk around the town centre to take a look at the new Blackpool Christmas Lights! Filmed on Monday 7 December 2020.

Start at the side of Sands Venue and trace a route around the streets of the town centre with the new Christmas lights twinkling away. The shops are lit up and it’s feeling really festive – but still much less busy than it should be.

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Christmas is almost here!

We snatched the sunshine to make you a series of videos for Christmas week – this is Blackpool in Tier 3 Lockdown – Part 1 Walk Through the Town Centre. Filmed on Tuesday 22 December 2020.

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Lockdown in Blackpool

We’ve been out to work to make new videos and recorded Blackpool Town Centre in Lockdown. Hopefully we won’t see it like this again! Filmed Monday 15 February 2021.

We spend almost all of our working week at home, working from the desk, but making walk around videos is one thing we can’t do from home!

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Deathly Quiet in Blackpool Town Centre…

This was filmed on 29 March 2021 – Blackpool before the shops reopen from Covid lockdown.

We thought you’d like to see how deathly quiet it’s been during the coronavirus shutdown.

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Shops Reopen

Ooh it’s lovely! The sun’s shining and loads of people are out and about. Have a look at Blackpool Town Centre the day the shops reopen after Covid Lockdown on 12 April 2021.

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Cafes and Bars Reopen

Live from Blackpool on reopening day! It’s 17 May 2021 – join us for a walk from St John’s Square to the seafront at Festival House. You can see that Blackpool is a lot busier – but go steady – we don’t want another lockdown!

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June Begins!

This is the same route that we’ve regularly taken through Blackpool town centre during the past 12 months.

We’ve seen it silent and busy, awful weather and sunshine, dark skies and Christmas lights. But this looks more like busy Blackpool! Non-essential retail is open. Bars and restaurants are open. Most of the attractions are open.

So is Blackpool busy – you bet it is! Filmed on Tuesday 1 June 2021.

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June 2021 – Live broadcast

Now this feels more like it! In this live walk you’ll see that the town feels as though it’s coming back to life. This feels more like June in the UK’s favourite seaside town!

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There’s a couple of final videos still to add to this page… Come back in a few months and, fingers crossed, all restrictions will have been lifted.

While you’re here…

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